How to Connect Sources to Quickly Curate Newsletters
October 11, 2020
At Goodbits we specialize in turning your saved links into a meaningful newsletter for your growing audience.
Once you've created your account in Goodbits, we recommend connecting all of your content sources to round out your content pipeline. The more sources you add, the easier and faster it will be to curate your newsletter week to week.
In this article we'll show you how to setup the following sources in the Goodbits app.
RSS Feeds
Adding RSS Feed Sources
Adding RSS feeds to your collections is one of the most common ways to curate newsletter content in Goodbits. You can even add multiple RSS Feeds and create separate collections to sort them for future newsletters.
Start by clicking "Sources" option on the left panel.
Next click "RSS Feed" option on the right.
Paste in the URL of your RSS feed that you want to pull article links from and click "Add Feed" button.
To review the content, navigate to your "Saved Links" option on the left and scroll to your "RSS Feeds" Collection.
Adding Slack Channels as Sources
Similar to our RSS Feed option, you can add multiple slack channels that have links as sources.
Start by clicking "Sources" option on the left panel.
Next click "Slack" option on the right under automated sources.
Select "Connect to Slack"
A screen should appear asking you to authorize Slack (see below). Ensure you have the correct Slack workspace highlighted. Click the "Allow" button.
Select the correct Slack workspace and click "Allow" button
Back in the Goodbits app, select the channel(s) to sync with your collections. Click "Connect Channels" button when ready.
By default, Goodbits syncs these links with the Inbox Collection. You can always create your own collection in "Saved Links" section of the app to further organize your content.
To review the content, navigate to your "Saved Links" option on the left and scroll to your "Inbox" Collection.
Adding a Twitter Feed Source
If you have a long history of tweets with links, you can add them as a content source to easily curate your newsletters.
Start by clicking "Sources" option on the left panel.
Next click "Twitter" option on the right under automated sources.
Select "Connect Twitter"
A screen should appear asking you to authorize Twitter. Click the "Authorize app" button.
Your Twitter feed should now be syncing with Goodbits.
To review the content, navigate to your "Saved Links" option on the left and scroll to your "Twitter" Collection.
Adding Pocket as a Source
Pocket is an easy way to save links in the browser for viewing later and can be added as one of our integrated content sources.
Start by clicking "Sources" option on the left panel.
Next click "Pocket" option on the right under automated sources.
Select "Connect Pocket"
A screen should appear asking you to authorize Pocket. Click the "Authorize" button.
To review the content, navigate to your "Saved Links" option on the left and scroll to your "Pocket" Collection.
Under Sources Pocket Settings, you can also filter by a specific tag or only fetch links that are marked as "Favorites."
Note: only links saved after this settings change will take effect.
These are just a few of the features we have in Goodbits to help speed up your workflow.
Are there any content sources you use regularly that you wish we'd support? Let us know!
Goodbits lets you to save articles from the web and turn your bookmarks into weekly digests. Start curating your newsletters in under 10 minutes.