"Goodbits was a simpler and higher quality solution that saved me 3 - 4 hours of newsletter building every week." -- Tony Hue, Disqus
Turn saved links into a growing audience.
Writer's block? No problem. Automatically fetch content you've already posted on platforms including Twitter, Slack, Instagram, and your own website. Or gather articles using our Chrome extension. Goodbits keeps all this content in one place to make sending a weekly roundup newsletter the most enjoyable thing you'll do all week.
Build a newsletter without code or design experience.
Drag and drop saved content or add links to your newsletter in minutes. Using Goodbits means more focus on editing and publishing, rather than coding or designing templates.
Want full control of your brand? Go ahead. Your newsletters are fully customizable, and you can even use your own template.
Send with Goodbits or any other email provider of your choice. With built-in analytics, you can easily see which content is resonating with your subscribers.
Send to your MailChimp lists or build campaigns directly from Goodbits.
Join industry leaders that trust and send with Goodbits.
We've been really happy with Goodbits! The format of our content gets a really high level of engagement and it's incredibly easy to use. We're never late sending out a regular monthly update.
Chris, Co-Founder & CTO
Goodbits has made curating a newsletter a cinch! I love their easy Inbox and Collections - now I can organise the newsletter as I find articles. No need to wait for a mad rush at the end of the week
Wren, Marketing manager
We've grown our community through Goodbits and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a simple yet effective way to send regular e-mail campaigns.
Bojan, Head of Marketing
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Start publishing today.
Create content without friction and grow your audience in a single workflow with Goodbits.