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Introducing Constraint Layout 1.1 – Google Developers
Constraint Layout simplifies creating complex layouts in Android by making it possible to build most of your UI using the visual editor in…

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The past two years have seen a lot more interest for inclusive design in the Android community. There’s been a lot of content (blogs and…

Launched on the very end of 2017 by the creators of Vine, HQ Trivia is making a lot of noise on the tech scene. Its instant popularity and disruptive

Who does not want to style their Android app? Unfortunately there are very few resources available online to learn styling and theming. I…

Confused about generic subtyping? With just a few simple, foundational concepts, almost everything about variance becomes clear. If you're confused about how subtyping works with generics in Kotlin, start here.

navigation-toolbar-android - :octocat: Navigation toolbar is a slide-modeled UI navigation controller made by @Ramotion

This presentation was recorded at Amsterdam's GOTO Night 2018 
Presented at AndroidMakers'18 A sneak peek of the ConstraintLayout 2.0 library, presenting some of the new concepts like helpers.

Haven’t you ever wanted to globally change the appearance of your EditTexts or the font face of all TextViews in your Android application?
Class of the week
Utility class to enhance custom TextView widgets with EmojiCompat. 
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