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Deep Dive into Android Services – ProAndroidDev
Android O, N and below component lifecycles and background tasks

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Today, we are announcing the preview of Android KTX - a set of extensions designed to make writing Kotlin code for Android more concise, idiomatic, and pleasant. Android KTX provides a nice API layer on top of both Android framework and Support Library to make writing your Kotlin code more natural.

Since the announcement in last Google I/O on New Architecture Components they become a hot topic in the Android Developer community, among…

The idea of Loaders never really caught on. They were introduced with Honeycomb around 2011. It was a solution to a problem that we…

This is a guest blog post from Eric Wendelin software engineer for Gradle A build cache allows Gradle to reuse task output from any previous invocation, including those from other machines. Kotlin …


AwesomeBar - Just beautiful


In this video, Sean McQuillan will show you how to migrate a Java Android app to Kotlin. Kotlin is a high-level language that’s fully integrated with both th...

Class of the week
Helper class for inflating layouts asynchronously
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