Curated links & resources from the Zeal team
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Languages & Libraries
Inline styles for hover/active/focus interactive states
Who cares? There was recently a discussion on Trailblazer Gitter channel about Hashes as params, how to pass them around, and as customary a flame-war war ~~ensued~~ never happened, and it came down to a measuring contest: ~~whose~~ which key is better and faster.

Elixir has been getting a lot of attention these days for being such a powerful language. It is highly-concurrent, fault-tolerant, and scalable. When beginning to learn Elixir, you quickly come upo…

So are they slow or what?

On the Server
Multi-tenancy is a hot topic these days. My definition of a multi-tenant application is a software system that serves multiple customers, each with their own isolated view of their own data in that system.
On the Front-End
We at Discord just launched our React 16 based app and wanted to share our experience and some tips we learned along the way.

We could have built out this 6-yr-old project using jQuery, but we went for the maintainability and development speed of a modern React.js framework.

Today we're releasing the first set of project automation events.
Tracker has always believed in software as a team sport. We are a tool built to help teams collaborate and build better software—not just faster, but together.
People & Process
What role should metrics play for designers? How should you set metrics, and how should you use them?
Learning & Growth
A free, language-agnostic exercise of will.

I’ve been teaching computer science and running schools for 14 years. Since 2012 I’ve created and run three developer training programs (Hungry Academy, gSchool/Galvanize, and Turing), running both the business and academics for each while training hundreds of happy alumni.
Worth a Listen
On today's episode we discuss the Global Day of Coderetreat.
Other Cool Stuff
Given audio of President Barack Obama, we synthesize a high quality video of him speaking with accurate lip sync, composited into a target video clip.
AI is becoming an important segment for companies that use the technology to power an increasingly large portion of their offerings

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