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Android Security 2017 Year in Review
Fourth annual Android security year in review.
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This article looks at many categories of Java bugs that Kotlin prevents in addition to null safety.

We've seen what Android P Slices are and how you can host one. This second part will explore how a Slice is made, and how to create your own SliceProvider.

ListAdapter is a new class bundled in the 27.1.0 support library and simplifies the code required to work with RecyclerViews. 

Confused about generic subtyping? With just a few simple, foundational concepts, almost everything about variance becomes clear. If you're confused about how subtyping works with generics in Kotlin, start here.

An open source library to simplify persistence on Android platform on SQLite, Shared-Preferences, file system (and REST client)

In this episode, we dive into one of our most requested topics and highly anticipated ones – Flutter.
Class of the week
RecyclerView.Adapter base class for presenting List data in a RecyclerView, including computing diffs between Lists on a background thread.

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