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12 Android blogs you should be following
Jordan Jozwiak dives into the data from the AndroidWeekly archive.
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Every now and then, Android reveals some of its secrets to us.
Renato Athaydes wrote JMH benchmark to try to quantify the actual costs of each Kotlin construct mentioned in Exploring Kotlin’s hidden costs.

To find out how Kotlin deals with NDK, Ihor Kucherenko decided to write this article and create the sample project.

Lyla Fujiwara explores the ins and outs of ViewModel.
The Gradle Guides help you use Gradle effectively. Whether you are new to Gradle or an experienced Build Master, the guides hosted here are designed to help you accomplish your goals.

Let’s face it. Camera api in Android is so broken. 

A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.

Garima Jain talks all about the magical land of RxJava spells (operators).
Class of the week
Utility functions for gesture processing & analysis.
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