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Experimenting with Nested Scrolling | Android Design Patterns
How exactly do the nested scrolling APIs work?
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This article shows a few tricks which can help you developing string resources for Android applications

A common use-case when we’re designing a layout containing a RecyclerView (or, if you’re a glutton for punishment: ListView) is that we may have to display data that is either generated…

Custom views are cool!

Android developers who use lots of C++ code might be familiar with the native library limit that exists in Android versions prior to 4.3. When targeting older Android versions, one must carefully manage the number of libraries in their app to avoid hitting this limit. This is especially tricky because libraries loaded by the system count against this limit, and the number of those libraries can vary between devices.

Last time I wrote about notification channels I described a complicated solution to create the best balance between automatic bundling vs. not annoying the daylights out of the user: Have as few channels as possible make noise by default. Use summaries on the channels that make noise by default. The

One of the most challenging things in software development is anything that is asynchronous. Unfortunately, humans are really bad at…


File-Loader - File downloading library for android.

In this episode of Fragmented, we talk about CI, CD and CD services. That’s Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment. BuddyBuild a beloved 3rd party service of ours (and previous sponsor) is sunsetting their Android service, so Donn and KG discuss alternatives and the options they’ve been keeping an eye on.
Class of the week
Helper for accessing features in Drawable.
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