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Kotlin 1.2.20 is out | Kotlin Blog

We’re happy to announce the release of Kotlin 1.2.20, a new bugfix and tooling update for Kotlin 1.2. This update: Adds support for Gradle build cache Improves incremental compilation for Android a…

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When ProGuard processes an Android app, it generates a few output files to show what happened in each step. These files can be really helpful if you’re trying to figure out what ProGuard changed, or why your code ended up the way it did. But those files aren’t self-documenting, so I’m going to walk you through why each of those files is created and what it shows you.

This is my newest list of 25 Android libraries and projects which you may find useful, interesting and which are worthy to check. All of…

Developing a Gradle Plugin that detects build completion

It is really hard to find one project that covers all the things that are new in Android Development, so I decided to write one.

Hi! Today I’d like to introduce you my top useful shortcuts to use in Android Studio that I use on my daily basis. I focused on the…


Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library


Class of the week
Object used to report movement (mouse, pen, finger, trackball) events. Motion events may hold either absolute or relative movements and other data, depending on the type of device.
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