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Coroutines and RxJava — An Asynchronicity Comparison (Part 1): Asynchronous Programming
n this blog series I will compare Kotlin Coroutines and RxJava on different topics since they are trying to solve a common problem in Android development: Asynchronous Programming.
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Redux is a unidirectional data flow architecture that makes it easy to develop, maintain and test applications. In this post I'll explain how you can start writing mobile apps with Flutter using the Redux architecture.

Detecting and rendering rich content in messages is a more complex challenge than it may appear.

To style text in Android, use spans! Change the color of a few characters, make them clickable, scale the size of the text or even draw…

Hyperion, your favorite in-app design tool for iOS, now available for Android.

BottomNavigationViewEx - An android lib for enhancing BottomNavigationView.
To help us understand Flutter in-depth we talk to Flutter’s GDE Eugenio Marletti
Class of the week
This class provides the primary API for managing Wi-Fi Aware operations: discovery and peer-to-peer data connections. 
If you would like to be working on building and enhancing native Android apps, monitoring and optimising existing apps, as well as further develop your own skills, this is a job for you!

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