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Android Developers Blog: Hello World, AndroidX
Today, we launch an early preview of the new Android extension libraries (AndroidX) which represents a new era for the Support Library. Please preview the change and give us your feedback. Since this is an early preview, we do not recommend trying this on any production projects as there are some known issues.

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Clean architecture evolution on Android. Hints for Functional Programming, OOP, Error Handling, Modularization and Patterns. Written in Kotlin.

This is the second article in Why MVI series. You might be interested to read about the motivation, for that you can have a look at the…

Google’s Android Architecture Components is a very powerful API to help us build smarter applications. In my previous article, we talked…

The latest Android and Google Play news and tips for app and game developers.

In my previous post on coroutines for Android, I described how to create a small and simple DSL for performing a single asynchronous task…

Hi Koin users ! Here we are … The roadmap for the first stable version of Koin has been launched (Github issue can be found here). Some…

nanoscope - An extremely accurate Android method tracing tool.

Jetpack is a set of libraries, tools and architectural guidance to help make it quick and easy to build great Android apps. It provides common infrastructure code so you can focus on what makes your app unique.

An overview of the latest developer-facing features in the Android platform and other new and exciting developments. Watch more videos about Jetpack → https:...

Class of the week
A slice is a piece of app content and actions that can be surfaced outside of the app.  They are constructed using Slice.Builder in a tree structure that provides the OS some information about how the content should be displayed. 

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