The Ember.js Times - Issue #45
こんにちは Emberistas!

Lots of Ember programmers and writers have been busy this week! We have several new data-driven RFCs (📝 Requests for Comments), community efforts, and an outstanding update to Ember Inspector to present to you.

As well as a sincere reminder to eat your veggies! 🥒🥕
I hope my build never lets me down again in Ember 🐹
Have you ever made a change in the source code of your Ember app and subsequently awaited the reload of your app's browser tab, to no avail? Seconds, minutes, a coffee later — you might have checked your terminal window — then at last, you find that syntax error in your template that led to a failing build, preventing the reload.

This week's RFC proposes the automatic inclusion of ember-cli-build-notifications into new Ember apps. It's an addon providing system notifications for failing Ember app builds by default.

The RFC proposal also discusses several alternative techniques to improve developer ergonomics regarding app builds. If you're curious, check out the full RFC here and leave your thoughts on it!
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You might already know that Broccoli takes care of your asset pipeline. But do you know how it works? Oli Griffiths has made an amazing tutorial on the asset pipeline for ambitious applications. It takes you through the basic setup and guides you through the journey of sass preprocessing, debugging and fingerprints.
Ember Inspector dark mode
The Ember Inspector project is on a roll! v3.1.0 has the new component tree and dark mode. Change your theme from light to dark in Chrome/Firefox dev tools. 🖤
A particular RFC has entered the final comment period with incredible speed! 🏃‍💨It proposes the deprecation of Ember Data's Array.filter method and explains how this change will not only improve the maintainability of the Ember Data project, but also improve the performance of Ember apps.

You can read the full RFC here and leave your comments for it.

If you're making use of this.get('store').filter in your app or addon, check out the documentation of the ember-data-filter addon and follow the dedicated guide on how to refactor this easily.

In other Ember Data news, another proposal focuses on removing usage of the Ember.Evented mixin in Ember Data specifically. This would also lead to the future removal of several lifecycle hooks and methods on Models and other Ember Data classes. You can learn more about the design of this proposed deprecation in the original RFC.

This week, contributors focused on getting some cleanup work underway to leave the soon-to-be deprecated store.filter behind for good.
Finally, a bug fix for breaking up async relationships has landed. ✨
#EmberJS2018: blog posts wanted
The Ember team would like you (yes, you!) to write a blog post to propose goals and direction for Ember in the remainder of 2018. The content of these posts will help the core team to draft their first Roadmap RFC.

Write your blog post by May 30th. Tweet a link to the post with the hashtag #EmberJS2018. Topic ideas could include: ideas for community programs, framework features, documentation improvements, ecosystem needs, or tooling enhancements.

Check out Katie Gengler's awesome call for blog posts here and get writing!
Jen Weber and Chris Manson are taking a deep dive into Ember's presence on Stack Overflow this month. They're even recording their efforts once a week at 9am EST on Fridays! You can tune into their YouTube channel or Twitch stream.

Collectively, question by question, we can try to create a better Ember presence on Stack Overflow. Check out some tips and tricks on how to get involved in the Stack Overflow effort in the What’s up with Ember.js and Stack Overflow? post. It's gonna be...May. 🥁
Wondering about something related to Ember, Ember Data, Glimmer, or addons in the Ember ecosystem, but don't know where to ask? Readers’ Questions are just for you!

Submit your own
short and sweet question under and a member of the Ember team will answer in a future edition of the Ember.js Times. And don’t worry, there are no silly questions, we appreciate them all - promise! 🤞
✨ That's another wrap!  ✨ 

Be kind,
Kenneth Larsen, Sivakumar Kailasam, Amy Lam, Jen Weber, Jessica Jordan and the Learning Team
Until the next issue, happy Embering :)
The Ember.js Learning Team · 812 SW Washington St, Ste 1000 · Portland OR 97205 · USA
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