What is Ruby doing on Rails?
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Writing a Markdown Compiler
In this part we’ll talk about the second step in compiling: Parsing – also known as Syntactic Analysis. This part has a bit more theory, so it might take some time to digest.

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This tutorial will show you how to scrape websites with Ruby and Headless Chrome, using Selenium WebDriver.

Ruby Symbols are all good and fun but if you’re not careful they can bite you in the a**.

Beginner’s guide to integrate react js library to rails project

One of the usual suspects of increasingly slow performance are N+1 queries.

Beyond Ruby

The Feynman technique for teaching and communication is a mental model (a breakdown of his personal thought process) to convey information using concise thoughts and simple language.

It’s been a while since my last technical book review. I’ve decided to have a go at Domain-Driven Rails as this subject is one of the things that I’ve been particularly interested in for quite a while now.

Blast from the past
Debate sprang up at JAOO '07 around Bob Martin's assertion that "nowadays it is irresponsible for a developer to ship a line of code he has not executed in a unit test." 

Gem of the week
Ruby Date Recurrence Library - Allows easy creation of recurrence rules and fast querying

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